Linda's Professional Journey

A Librarian's experiences and notes

Archive for March 25th, 2008 – positive solution for the introvert speaker.

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As the Spring semester progresses, I find myself piled with many essays. One of the tips that my professors have mentioned earlier in the semester is to read outloud any written works you have written before handing in essays. I was a little befuddled by what to do.. and a little nervous as well.. so I thought it was helpful when I read in my blog reader of this service that Stephen’s Lighthouse recommended.

There are several pros and cons of this type of solution that has. Any text that is inputed into the service is read outloud… with choice of speaker and download able as a podcast or mp3. A con that I have is the computerized voice of the speaker, but being able to listen to any text in an audio voice…is good.

I remember writing an entry earlier in one of my other blogs about another type of web service reader.. the Zap reader which is not audio based, but if you input text in the reader then the program would display on line the speed in which the text may be seen by the viewer.

Written by Linda

March 25, 2008 at 7:53 pm

Posted in Technology

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